Thursday, 30 May 2013

Charles Frederick Priestley

Charles Frederick Priestley
Batley News – News from Ruhleben section, part of an almost weekly update on Prisoners of war abroad
Comments on “the Parcel business”
Mr. C.F. Priestley (son of Alderman F. Priestley, of Soothill), writing to his wife from the Ruhleben Internment Camp, expresses his thanks for her greetings for the New Year, “which I also hope will be a year of homecoming and re-union” Referring to the “parcel business” Mr. Priestley records the receipt of two parcels, and adds: “The contents were as was made known beforehand. Mine today contained sugar, jam, tea, cheese, ration, vegetable, biscuits, sardines, margarine and corned beef; all in good order, and also 50 cigarettes and you know I don’t smoke them. Where the people get their list from I can’t say, but when I tell you I saw one parcel for A. Barclay, who went home a year ago, and about 150 for others who are not here (these parcels are turned over to Relief Committee) whilst several people whom I know are still waiting for their first parcel, you will be able to form an opinion for yourself. The bread is coming through in good condition from Denmark. You need not worry for George, and I have a good stock to go on with of all kinds of things, but, as I have said before, it is a mistake to standardise everybody’s requirements as to food, and what agrees with one does not with another. Some months ago we were asked to order anything we required in the shape of underwear and stockings, and the things would be sent out and sold to us at a reasonable price. First of all it was Christmas before the stuff came, and it is all second-hand. Some of the socks are actually in holes” Mr. Priestley adds; “On December 30th I was at a performance of ‘Mikado.’ The American Ambassador was there and about a dozen ladies. It felt like coming back to civilisation after being in the wilds. The acting was good, and you would be surprised to see how well some fellows make up as girls.”
Ruhleben prisoners coming home
British civilians interned in Ruhleben are to be conveyed in Danish and British ships to Manchester, via the Ship Canal. The first batch will arrive at Copenhagen tomorrow night and will be taken on board the liner Frederick VIII., on the deck of which a service of thanksgiving will be held on Sunday morning. It will take two or three months to get the other men home from Ruhleben. Danish doctors are offering their services, and the Danish War Office will provide clothes and books for men who require them. Whilst it is true that British prisoners, who have been kept in Belgium by the Germans and compelled to work like horses on starvation diet, have been cast adrift without food or adequate clothing, it has been ascertained that most of the men captured by the Germans are still in camps where there are supposed to be reserves of food parcels. Every effort is being made to ensure the feeding of the unhappy captives.
Aug - News from Berlin – Americans bring a letter from a Batley Lady
Mr. Willie Chew, Batley, received news from his wife in Berlin on Monday. Mrs. Chew and her child were spending a holiday with her sisters, Mrs. Windisch and Miss Maggie Longbottom, when war broke out. Postal and telegraphic communication with England being impossible, Mrs Chew hit upon the expedient of conveying news to her husband through the medium of some Americans returning home via London. These carried Mrs. Chew’s letter to London, where they posted it to Mr. Chew. In the letter, Mrs. Chew stated that all were safe and well and in good care. “Don’t worry” she added. Mrs. Windisch’s husband was a reservist in the German army with the rank of lieutenant, and he has rejoined the colours. No news has been received this week in Batley of Mr. Mark Blackburn, a cousin of Alderman J. W. Blackburn, J.P., or other members of the Blackburn’s in Berlin; of Mr. Jack Ferguson, a native of Batley and a dyer to a textile syndicate with mills in the Berlin district or of Mr. C.F. Priestley, son of Alderman Priestley, Soothill. Relatives were anxious about the safety of Mrs. Lobley, 5 Queen Street, Batley, who left home three weeks ago to spend a holiday with her daughter in Freiburg, Germany. Mrs Lobley’s daughter is married to a German. No communication has been received from her since her arrival in Germany

26th September 1914 – News from Wittenberge
From a Batley Alderman’s son: “To anybody in Batley who has relations here”
A letter reached Soothill on Tuesday, and was sent on to Alderman F. Priestley in the Isle of Man (where he is holidaying), from his son Mr. Chas. Priestley. The latter is a dyer for Messrs Naylor and Co., of Wittenberge, and has spent nearly all his life from the age of seven in Germany, practically the only exception being a period of about a year , during which he was with Messrs. Geo. Hirst & Co. He only left them about six months ago, to rejoin his former and present employers in Germany. Under date September 14th he writes; ”Just a line to let you know we are all well here, as  expect you will be anxious to hear from us” He refers to his daughter Lucy and her requirements at the school where she is being educated in Ingleton, and regrets that the international situation precluded him and his wife writing home in commemoration of his mother’s birthday; “but we thought of it all the same” he adds with a world of meaning. He apologises too for being unable to write to a number of relatives and proceeds; “will you please let Mrs. Parr know that her son is well. Also if you see anyone in Batley who has relations here, let them know they are all right. After  pleasant references to his boy Eric and his daughter Lizzie, he gives the following instructions for those writing to him. “Leave the letter open and stamp it and then ? it ? envelope addressed to the U.S. Embassy ? with a note requesting the Ambassador to forward it.” The Mrs Taylor he refers to resides in Bath Street, and one of Alderman Priestley’s sons conveyed the glad tidings to her as requested. She was naturally delighted to have two months suspense ceased, whilst still waiting news direct from her son.
27th January 1917 – Our Prisoners-of-war
Textile experts in Ruhleben
A working power-loom made out of broken chairs and biscuit tins
Sensation in the Civilian Camp near Berlin
Splendid work by Dewsbury and Batley Men – Exclusive to the “News”)
We are indebted to friends in Ruhleben for keeping us informed of the progress of the Textile Circle ? by men interned there. There are now over 150 registered members increasing textile experts who have had unique experience. “Besides the men who have worked in Germany and (Ardenne ?)” says one correspondent “we have ? very capable men who have been in some of the largest mills of Russia, Poland, Belgium, France, and, indeed, practically all parts of the world, including Japan and China. In a review of the work done by the Circle up to the end of 1916 a member writes “We started as you know with lect? Of raw materials, their production and use, the buying and selling of the same then ? ?. Mr John Fergusson (Batley) followed with a lecture on disinfecting, carbonising, stripping and dyeing of rags illustrated by models of carbonising drums, shakers and dyeing machines. Mr. Frank Oldroyd (Dewsbury)  gave us the theory of weaving, as practised in every age-ancient and modern. Then Mr. Pickering (Batley) and Parr (Batley) explained the process of w---ing, sizing, beaming, weaving, (with practical calculations) designing, dissecting, production of designs in warp and weft. “Mr. Fergusson, at the committee’s request, re-appeared with two imaginary pieces-one woollen and the worsted-fresh from the loom. He told us how to scour, wash and mill pieces of different ?, how to make soap, treat waste products, and recover black oil-the various processes being illustrated by models. Mr. Fred Oldroyd was good enough to come before us again and he gave a practical demonstration of weaving
A wonderful loom
“Your readers will wonder how he could give a practical lesson, seeing that we have no looms here. Knowing Mr. Oldroyd so well  you will not be as much surprised as some of our members here were when a mechanical power loom was produced for Mr. Oldroyd’s demonstration. It was a masterpiece, I can tell you. Men rubbed their eyes in amazement when they saw it perform its functions accurately and actually weave cloth. It is a lot ? Shaft tappet loom and has been built from the odds and ends picked up in ? and recovered from dustbins, except that the ? and gear bands were obtained from Messrs Pickering’s factory in Alance-?. ?loom has been built by Messrs Wyfiled, ?, Booth and Fielding and Mr. Oldroyd said the students it represented the ? more than 900 full working hours of the fo----. The ? shafts,  cranks and heavier parts are ? of hard wood from broken deck chairs and picked up bits of iron and from biscuit tins was made ? wire used in it.
Forty picks per minute
“This will give you a fair idea of the ingenuity and patience exercised. The loom, mark you, is no toy, but a proper piece of machinery which, with man power, gives no fewer than 40 picks per minute. It caused a great sensation, as you may well imagine, not least among the marine engineers in camp, and it sent up our membership. The next lecture was on the theory of light and colour as known and accepted by modern colourists. Again we were indebted to Mr. Fergusson who explained mordants and their uses in dyeing and printing, and then gave a practical demonstration of wool dyeing. He invited the students to select their own colours, and then showed how to produce the chosen colours by various methods, explaining as he did so the difference in the cost and time. His comparisons of the labour cost involved in the different processes were most valuable. He described ranges of modern colours and dealt with artificial colouring matters and up to date methods of employment. Wool washing and scouring with different methods and machines-English and Continental followed, and again we had to thank Mr. Fergusson for revealing to us so much of the available knowledge he has gained in his unique experience. You will agree that our vo---- g a---ents particularly are fortunate in being able to benefit to such an extent. Our Textile Circle is totally self supporting. We have never asked for assistance either from the Embassy or elsewhere, although the educational work that is being done here entails no small cost.
Batleyite back in Cottbus
Private ?amond Smith KOYLI of Crossbank, Batley, who was taken prisoner on November 18th has sent to his parents a card showing that he has been discharged from his hospital in Berlin, where he was sent for sick treatment and has returned to his internment at Cottbus. Food and clothing have been sent to him there.
Local men’s inventions
We are pleased `to hear from another correspondent that the first model made for the Circle was a small washer and cistern made by Mr. Clifford Leach, son of Mr. Harry Leach of Batley, who, when war broke out, was a pupil of Mr. Fergusson at Neider Schonweide. When the model washer was exhibited others began to show their inventive genius, with the results ---ed. In the work of model making Mr. Oldroyd has taken a most absorbing interest. When the Circle was formed he was in very bad health, the strain of a long confinement having laid very heavily upon him, but the occupation of mind and fingers which has followed the establishment of the Textile Circle has, to note the language of a friend, “ re----ed” him. We venture to think that similar benefits more or less have been derived by every member of the Circle.
An effort that ought to succeed
We wish Mr. Timothy Eden, of Ferry Hill, Durham every success in the gallant efforts he is ? to bring pressure to bear upon Parliament in the interests of 4,000 British civilians interned at Ruhleben. He can speak from personal experience of the miserable condition there, and in a memorandum which is being sent to each Member of Parliament, he says; “From the white paper miscellaneous No. 8 ?? page 4 – It is clear that in November 1914 the Germans offered a man for man exchange, refused by us for fear of some military advantage. After a few weeks we withdrew our refusal , but too late. It has recently been agreed to exchange civilian prisoners over 45 years of age, but Mr Eden in asking the Government to make an effort to secure the release of all civilian prisoners young or old. The only argument that can be urged against this is; The possible gain for Germany of 26,000 fighting men and possible information given to the enemy.
Against this Mr. Eden urges;
1 The possibility that after 2 years confinement, not many Germans would be fit for military service.
2 The impression that would be created in Germany by 26,000 men who could vouch for
a)      Our  strength
b)      the small effect of the war on our business prosperity
c)       our plentiful food supply compared with that of Germany
d)      the failure of the Zeppelin campaign
e)      the kind treatment of prisoners etc
3 The guards of the camps in England would be freed from military service.
4 The expense of feeding 26,000 men would be borne by the Germans instead of us.
5 The improbability that 26,000 more fighting men would have any effect in a war of millions.
6 The danger of such a large number of enemy aliens in our midst would be removed and the consequent leakage of important secrets would cease.
“ If the British civilians in Ruhleben were suffering at home as they are now suffering abroad, there would be a popular outcry and a demand for their immediate release, adds Mr. Eden. It is only owing to the fact that they are in an enemy country cut off from their home and consequently forgotten by most of their compatriots, that they continue to remain in captivity.
Parcels for prisoners-of-war
The Batley and Birstall packing depot scheme
Before a depot for the packing of parcels for Batley and Birstall prisoners of war can be established, the lines upon which a local committee can work under the new regulations laid down by the Central Prisoners-of-War committee call for much inquiry and careful consideration. When the certificate to establish a depot for Batley and Birstall was received a few days ago, the hon. Secretary to the committee (Mr. R. Roberts, “News Office”, Batley) wrote to the central authority in London asking for a copy of the new rules under which a packing depot may be carried on, but up to the present, the necessary information has not been received. Consequently the committee have not been able to have a meeting. In the mean time, however, useful information is being collected from other sources and the hon. Secretary is daily answering inquiries of relatives and friends of Prisoners-of-War and giving useful assistance. Food is being sent to every Batley and Birstall prisoner whose name and address has been received.
24th March 1917 – Our Prisoners-of-War
How food and clothing are needed by captured soldiers
Useful work done by a local Prisoner-of-War committee
Packing depot scheme abandoned, owing to War Office restrictions
Local Mill manager released from Ruhleben
England a paradise after Germany
Batley and Birstall Prisoners-of-War committee, who recently received from the Central Prisoners-of-War committee a licence to pack and despatch parcels for British prisoners interned abroad, decided, on Wednesday night, in view of the regulations and restrictions sought to be imposed by the War Office, that it is no longer an advantage to further entertain the question of establishing a local packing depot. The committee will, never the less, combine its work on behalf of local prisoners, and the Mayor of Batley (Alderman J.W. Blackburn, J.P.) at the request of the committee, will continue his appeal for public subscriptions to his Prisoners-of-War fund. Parcels of food are being sent regularly to all British prisoners whose place of internment is known, through the Central Prisoners-of-War committee. Those parcels are packed and despatched from London and monies subscribed to the Mayors fund will be transmitted to London towards the cost which represents over £2 per head per month. At a meeting of the Batley and Birstall committee in the council chambers at the Town Hall on Wednesday, the Hon secretary (Mr. Rayner Roberts) reported that although he had succeeded in obtaining the permission of the Central Prisoners-of-War committee to take over the care of local men interned in the civilian camp at Ruhleben, near Berlin, consent to deal with parcels for soldiers refused as they are already in charge of their regimental care committee. Consequently the Batley and Birstall committee’s licence to pack parcels could be applied only to about 10 civilian prisoners.
War Office censors visit

Mr. R.G. Rutter, borough treasurer stated that on Saturday Mr. F.E.O. Gorman, deputy assistant censor from the War Office paid a visit to Batley and explained that the room selected for a packing depot would require to be kept under lock and key, and open only to authorised persons. Food intended for prisoners would have to be purchased in bulk from an authorised firm of provision merchants. On no account would relatives be able to send food from their homes to the depot for packing. Alderman Fred. Priestley said the restrictions the war Office sought to impose nullified the value of the licence granted by the Central Prisoners-of-War committee. (Hear, hear). Up to the end of November relatives and friends were able to send parcels to individuals in Ruhleben or elsewhere. and it was hoped that permission would be forthcoming to continue those ‘home parcels’ subject to examination by some duly authorised person in charge of a local packing depot. If they could not do that, the privilege to pack was worthless (Hear, hear) 

Saturday, 2 February 2013


Don't know if he fits in my tree, but it's something I've had saved for a while

York News. 25th February 2010


On Saturday February 20th peacefully in York Hospital, Ron aged 89 years of Barlby, formerly of Woodhouse, Leeds. A dearly loved son, Ron will be sadly missed and fondly remembered. _ Funeral Service will take place at 2:30pm on Friday February 26th at Selby Abbey followed by Interment in Selby Cemetery. Flowers or donations in lieu to be shared between Selby Abbey and The RSPB, a plate will be provided at the Service. All enquiries to H H Chambers and Son of Selby, tel 01757 213130

Miss Knaresborough 1953

Mandy's Mum Zena

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Lucy Priestley 1900

Daughter of Charles Frederick Priestley

Wedding of Lucy & George Brearley

Lucy Priestley's Tree

Phoebe Priestley 1907-

Daughter of Charles Frederick Priestley

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Danny Hathaway

Man jailed over Hathaway murder
A man's starting a life sentence for the murder of a Corby traveller.
Tony Holland from Desborough has been told he'll spend at least 35 years behind bars for the double murders of Danny Hathaway and William O'Connor from Bury St Edmunds.
Danny dissapeared from his home at the Gretton Brook Road travellers site back in February last year - his body's never been found.
During the trial at ipswich Crown Court the jury heard 20 days of evidence.
Detective Chief Inspector Katie Elliott, who led the investigation into the disappearance of Danny Hathaway, commented at the end of the trial, which found Tony Holland guilty of murder:
"We are pleased to see Tony Holland found guilty for the murder of Danny Hathaway today.  It’s a good result at the end of an investigation that was made all the more complex because Danny’s body has never been found.
"When Danny was first reported missing it seemed almost certain that he had come to harm - his family meant everything to him and we believed he would never willingly leave them in the way he did.
"In a very short while, we were treating the enquiry as a murder investigation with Tony Holland as the main suspect.
"Tony Holland came into the investigation at a very early stage and within a week, we had arrested him on suspicion of murder.  There was not enough evidence to charge him at this stage but we seized a large amount of material that continued to subject to forensic examination and that eventually incriminated Holland.
"Holland remained our main suspect and we worked hard to gather significant evidence of his involvement in Danny’s murder.
"In April 2007 he was arrested again. At this stage the Crown Prosecution Service were not satisfied that there was sufficient evidence to charge him with murder.
"It was only after Tony Holland was arrested for the murder of William O’Connor by Suffolk Police that similarities between that case and the murder of Danny Hathaway, became clear. The successful prosecution of Holland for both murders is a tribute to the good work and co-operation of the Police Forces and Crown Prosecution Services in Northamptonshire and Suffolk.
"Without Danny’s body, we had to prove that he was no longer alive, and continue our search for him, rather than simply being able to focus on proving that Tony Holland had killed him.
"Today’s verdict is testament to over 12 months of dedicated and meticulous investigation by my team and I would like to thank them for that. It also demonstrates the successful joint working between Northamptonshire and Suffolk Police and the Crown Prosecution Service.

"But for all the officers involved in this investigation, and particularly for Danny’s family, this investigation will never be over until we know where Danny’s body is and I will continue to appeal for anyone who knows where he is to help us find him so that his family can bury him and achieve some sort of peace."
Facts and Figures
During the investigation into the murder of Danny Hathaway, Northamptonshire Police:
· Gathered 888 exhibits
· Undertook 1598 investigative tasks
· Took 746 statements
· Logged details of 526 vehicles
· Recorded 526 reports from officers
“As the family of Daniel Hathaway, we came to this court to try and find the truth of what happened on that cold February day more than a year ago, and to see justice done.
“Although it is true that with Tony Holland being found guilty of murder and sentenced after examination of the evidence that there is some measure of justice as far as English law is concerned, we are no nearer to finding out what actually happened and, even more particularly, neither do we know what he has done with Daniel.
“Therefore, for us, there cannot be closure and the agony continues; for this man has not only destroyed a wonderful person and taken the life of a loving son, brother, partner and father of two small children, he has sentenced us to a lifetime of uncertainty and questions.
“Questions that we ask now and questions his children will continue to ask for many years as they grow older.
“He, the perpetrator, will serve his time in the comfort of prison and be released but for us there is no release and no end, only the agony of loss for a lifetime made unspeakably worse by the fact that we have been unable to say goodbye to our loved one, nor to give him the dignity of burial and the respect of a funeral.
“We extend our sympathy to the family of William O’Connor and our grateful thanks to the police for their painstaking work in this difficult case, but we also take this opportunity to make a heartfelt appeal to those persons who know to tell us where Daniel is, so that we may come and take him away to grieve over and to bury.
“Please, for our sakes and the sake of his two children, tell us where Danny is.”

Conviction Of Tony Holland - Murder Of Daniel Hathaway - 04-05-2008

Detective Chief Inspector Katie Elliott, who led the investigation into the disappearance of Danny Hathaway, commented at the end of the trial, which found Tony Holland guilty of murder:
"We are pleased to see Tony Holland found guilty for the murder of Danny Hathaway today. It's a good result at the end of an investigation that was made all the more complex because Danny's body has never been found.
"When Danny was first reported missing it seemed almost certain that he had come to harm - his family meant everything to him and we believed he would never willingly leave them in the way he did.
"In a very short while, we were treating the enquiry as a murder investigation with Tony Holland as the main suspect.
"Tony Holland came into the investigation at a very early stage and within a week, we had arrested him on suspicion of murder. There was not enough evidence to charge him at this stage but we seized a large amount of material that continued to subject to forensic examination and that eventually incriminated Holland.
"Holland remained our main suspect and we worked hard to gather significant evidence of his involvement in Danny's murder.
"In April 2007 he was arrested again. At this stage the Crown Prosecution Service were not satisfied that there was sufficient evidence to charge him with murder.
"It was only after Tony Holland was arrested for the murder of William O'Connor by Suffolk Police that similarities between that case and the murder of Danny Hathaway, became clear. The successful prosecution of Holland for both murders is a tribute to the good work and co-operation of the Police Forces and Crown Prosecution Services in Northamptonshire and Suffolk.
"Without Danny's body, we had to prove that he was no longer alive, and continue our search for him, rather than simply being able to focus on proving that Tony Holland had killed him.
"Today's verdict is testament to over 12 months of dedicated and meticulous investigation by my team and I would like to thank them for that. It also demonstrates the successful joint working between Northamptonshire and Suffolk Police and the Crown Prosecution Service.

"But for all the officers involved in this investigation, and particularly for Danny's family, this investigation will never be over until we know where Danny's body is and I will continue to appeal for anyone who knows where he is to help us find him so that his family can bury him and achieve some sort of peace."

Facts and Figures
During the investigation into the murder of Danny Hathaway, Northamptonshire Police:
· Gathered 888 exhibits
· Undertook 1598 investigative tasks
· Took 746 statements
· Logged details of 526 vehicles
· Recorded 526 reports from officers
"As the family of Daniel Hathaway, we came to this court to try and find the truth of what happened on that cold February day more than a year ago, and to see justice done.
"Although it is true that with Tony Holland being found guilty of murder and sentenced after examination of the evidence that there is some measure of justice as far as English law is concerned, we are no nearer to finding out what actually happened and, even more particularly, neither do we know what he has done with Daniel.
"Therefore, for us, there cannot be closure and the agony continues; for this man has not only destroyed a wonderful person and taken the life of a loving son, brother, partner and father of two small children, he has sentenced us to a lifetime of uncertainty and questions.
"Questions that we ask now and questions his children will continue to ask for many years as they grow older.
"He, the perpetrator, will serve his time in the comfort of prison and be released but for us there is no release and no end, only the agony of loss for a lifetime made unspeakably worse by the fact that we have been unable to say goodbye to our loved one, nor to give him the dignity of burial and the respect of a funeral.
"We extend our sympathy to the family of William O'Connor and our grateful thanks to the police for their painstaking work in this difficult case, but we also take this opportunity to make a heartfelt appeal to those persons who know to tell us where Daniel is, so that we may come and take him away to grieve over and to bury.
"Please, for our sakes and the sake of his two children, tell us where Danny is."

Double murderer jailed for life
A man who murdered a traveller and then killed another man while out on police bail has been jailed for life.
Tony Holland, 23, murdered Danny Hathaway, 44, of Corby, Northamptonshire, in February 2007. Mr Hathaway's body has not been found.
Holland, of Desborough, Northants, was also convicted of fatally stabbing Bill O'Connor, 20, from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, in April 2007.
He must serve a minimum of 35 years Ipswich Crown Court ruled.
Children's questions
Mr O'Connor was killed after Holland was bailed following his arrest on suspicion of Mr Hathaway's murder, the court heard.
The jury unanimously convicted Holland of Mr O'Connor's murder and found him guilty of Mr Hathaway's murder by a majority verdict.
In a statement Mr Hathaway's father appealed to those who know where his son's body is to come forward, so he can be found and have the "dignity of burial and the respect of a funeral".
"Please, for our sakes and the sake of his two children, tell us where Danny is," Kenneth Hathaway said.
He went on to accuse Holland of "sentencing us to a lifetime of uncertainty and questions".
"Questions that we ask now and questions his children will continue to ask for many years as they grow older", he said.
Det Ch Insp Katie Elliott, of Northamptonshire Police, said there had not been enough evidence to charge Holland when he was first arrested on suspicion of murdering Mr Hathaway.
She said the investigation would continue until Mr Hathaway's body is found.
In a statement Mr O'Connor's family described Holland as "callous".
It read: "The actions of one callous man has changed so many lives. He has killed a part of all of us."
Outside court, Det Ch Insp David Skevington, of Suffolk Police, said the latest forensic techniques, mobile phone technology and automatic number plate recognition systems helped to identify and track Holland, and provide evidence to bring him to justice.

Rooke Garbutt


A Founder of the Batley Agricultural Society

Batley has lost another of its esteemed personalities by death on Saturday, a few weeks short of his 75th birthday, of Mr Rooke Garbutt of Grosvenor Terrace, Batley. Well known in many spheres and highly respected by all who knew him, Mr Garbutt’s death is deeply regretted by the people of the town in which he had led an active life, and in many of whose affairs he had taken a prominent part. His fatal illness extended over four months and prior to that he had scarcely ever known a day’s illness.

A native of Easingwold, in North Yorkshire, Mr Rooke Garbutt was son of the late Mr James Garbutt, for many years in business in Heckmondwike as a chemist and grocer. . Mr Rooke Garbutt was  educated at Harrogate and then apprenticed with the late Mr John Blackburn, shoddy manufacturer of Old Mill, and father of ex-Alderman John Wm Blackburn. Subsequently Mr Garbutt was with Messrs John Whittaker and Sons, Talbot Street, Batley but much of his business was spent with Messrs John Jubb and Sons of Phoenix Mills, Batley, with whom he had served  14  years, firstly for  a short time as a traveller, and later as a manager. He was a well-known and popular figure in local business circles and spent a good deal of time at the Dewsbury rag sales and at Huddersfield Exchange. He retired from business at the age of 70 and one of his most treasured possessions was a gold watch presented to him in 1895? by the firm and work people of Messrs John Jubb and Sons “as a mark of  respect  after 21 years service”

Outside business and family affairs Mr Garbutt’s great interest in life was the Batley Agricultural Society, of which he was one of the founders. Energy, enthusiasm and great capacity for organisation were amongst his outstanding characteristics, and the          success of the Society’s annual shows was in no small measure due to his personal efforts. He had a deep-rooted interest  in the Society  as    , and a great affection for the Hospital, for which it raised valuable funds. From 1903 to 1912 he  continuously occupied the presidency of the Society, and made an admirable leader, inspiring others by his very enthusiastic example. In 1905 he was presented with a gold albert and  mounted £2 piece inscribed “Presented to Mr Rooke Garbutt, Esq., by the Committee of Batley and District Agricultural Society in recognition of his services to the Society during the past ten years, and as president for three years – 1903-4-5”

The full extent of Mr Garbutt’s  work for the Agricultural Society may nrver be known to the public but it is known and appreciated by those who were privileged to work with him in that organisation. A few weeks ago the Society – which has recently been revived after a war-time lapse of activity -  decided on of the funds to endow a cot at Batley Hospital and associate with it the names of the Society and Mr Rooke Garbutt. It is a melancholy reflection that this public recognition of Mr Garbutt’s valuable work was a posthumous one.

Mr Garbutt did not, however, confine his public work to one direction alone. He was at one period for a number years a  North Ward representative on Batley Town Council, and gave much valuable assistance in the administration of the town’s affairs, but was ultimately compelled to resign owing to the calls of business. Always in his element at arranging public demonstrations, he provided and superintended the erection and lighting of the two huge bonfires lit, one in 1911 to mark the Coronation of King Edward and the other to mark Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee in 1897.

In his younger days he was a local cricketer of more than average ability and assisted Heckmondwike several seasons For a short time he also assisted the old Batley Club, at the period when the team included such well-known stalwarts as the late Mr Joseph Auty, Mr John Wm. Blackburn and Mr John Taylor. Many years ago Mr Garbutt was also  keenly Interested in the old Volunteer movement. He was an excellent shot and won many prizes as one of the Honorary Members shooting Club. He was associated with Hick Lane Wesleyan Chapel, and in politics was a Conservastive, being a former member of Batley Conservative Club.

He leaves a widow, one son Mr James Rooke Garbutt, and two daughters Mrs John Arthur Lodge of Batley and Mrs P B Coates of Taunton Somerset.

The Funeral
The internment at Batley Cemetery on Wednesday was preceded by a service in Hick Lane Wesleyan Chapel, which with the graveside rites was conducted by Rev J W Hardcastle. There was a large attendance of local gentlemen who had been associated with Mr garbutt in various walks of business and public life. The service opened with the hymn “Jesus, Lover of My Soul”, which was followed by the reading of the Psalm “Lord, Thou has been our refuge” and the lesson commencing “Now hath Christ been raised from the dead”.  At the introduction of the service Mr H Holroyd played “O Rest in the Lord” (Mendelssohn)

Batley News, May 25, 1923

Charles Frederick Priestley - Photo's

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Joe Ellis

Percy Wilfred Loryman

1883 - Born Mirfield
1908 Married Pepina Ferrari 
1891 Greenburgh Terrace, Dewsbury
1916 - In Mesopotamia, Flying Corps

Amazingly on the same page as news from Ruhleben

C Whitehead & Sons

Leeds Mercury 30th April 1883
On Saturday afternoon the foundation-stone of the new stores for the Self-Help Co-operative Society, Ravensthorpe, was laid, but the weather being wet the proceeding s were got through as quickly as possible. Afterwards a tea party was held in celebration of the event, and there was a very large attendance. The building is from the designs of Messrs. Kirk and Sons, aichitects, of Dewsbury and Huddersfield, and will occupy the site of the old stores belonging to, the society, and of several cottages adjoining, and which is on the west side of North-road at its junction with Huddersfield-road. The structure will be three stores high, with (cellarage under the whole), and will give accommodation ample for all requirements for the grocer's, draper's, bootmaker's, and butcher's departments; the first and second having a frontage to the main road. Besides these departments and shops there will be a large hall for public meetings, 62ft. long by 45ft, wide, and 22ft high, lit with 13 large circular-headed windows having enriched and moulded plaster imposts, and moulded archivats. Two stone staircases of good dimensions lead to the hall for ingress and egress. In addition to the chief building there will be at the back, slaughter-house, stable, corn-crushing room, shoemakers' workshop, and other places, all conveniently arranged for business purposes. The style of architecture of the new store is Italian of a plain character, and the front to Huddersfield-road is to
have an ornamental pediment prepared to receive a clock, and that to North-road an ashlar inscription gablet. The exterior walls will be of pitch-faced delph stone, with asular dressings, the interior walls being of brick. The contractors are—Masons. Messrs. C. Whitehead and Sons; joiners, Messrs. Fothergill and Schofield ; plumber, Mr. E . Walker; slater, Mr. J. Thornton; plasterers, Messrs. Grange and Cookson; painter,Mr. J.C. Ledgard; and ironfounders, Messrs. Marsden and Co. The execution of the contracts will be carried out under the immediate supervision or Messrs. Kirk and Sons, the architects, and no time is to be lost in completing the building, which will be a decided ornament to the village of Ravensthorpe.

Emma Priestley (Wife of James) 1825

Fanny Priestley

1850 - Born Lockwood, Huddersfield
1861 - 6 Albert Buildings, Wooldale (See Fred Priestley)
1871 - Upton Street, Batley, (See Fred Priestley)
1881 - Clutton St, Soothill, living next to her Mother, Emma

1891 - Soothill Lane, Batley, Near Broom Street

1901 - 5 Grosvenor Road, Batley, with a servant

1911 - 5 Grosvenor Road, Batley, with a servant

1935 - 19th June Died in North Curry, Taunton, Somerset

Emma Priestley 1854

1854 - Born Westbury, Wiltshire (also listed as Wednesbury)
1861 - 6 Albert Buildings, Wooldale, See Fred Priestley
1871 - Upton Street, Batley, See Fred Priestley
1878 - Married to Fred Foster
1881 - Wharf Street, Dewsbury (Birthplaces are wrong but this may be a ditto from previous family)

 1891 - Visiting her sister Fanny Garbutt

1901 - 56 Lea Street, Huddersfield

At some point the Foster's emigrated to South Africa "
In his 78th year Mr. Priestley went to South Africa on a visit to his brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Fred Foster, formerly of Hanging Heaton, and while he was there was introduced to General Smuts."

1926 - 3rd May Emma & Fred arrived at Southmpton on the Edinburgh Castle from Natal, South Africa. Staying c/o G. Payne, Queen Elizabeth Street, London. Listed as Manager & Wife

James Priestley

Born 2nd October 1824
Christened 9th January 1825

1851 - No idea where the Priestleys were but as Emma was born in Wiltshire they could have been anywhere. I've tried alsorts of searches but no luck. Although Fred was born in Honley in 1852

1861 - 6 Albert Buildings, Wooldale

 1871 - Upton Street, Batley

Died 8th September 1879
Gravestone Plot B601 Batley cemetery, buried 12 Sep 1879

Father of Frederick Priestley

Priestley Gravestones

All from Batley Cemetery